Focus On:
Work-Ready Adults
The labor-participation rate in Northern Kentucky is high, hovering around 88%. In fact, the percentage of Northern Kentuckians workers who are working is higher than both the state and national rates. But the region has hundreds of unfilled positions. That’s why it is critical for every available worker to be trained, ready and enthusiastic about job opportunities. The Work-Ready team partners with workforce providers to address the readiness of adults to fill and retain jobs.
They are focused on:
Hear how workforce partners have supported these two individuals:
1. Career Training & Certification:
Virtually every job in today’s economy requires some level of post-secondary training.
The work-ready adult focus area seeks to encourage an holistic range of education and training options, ranging from college degrees and credentials to skill-based job and career training. It is critical that workers have options that are affordable, readily available, time-conscious, and tied to local career pathways.
2. Work-Based Learning & Upskilling:
Today's jobs also require a continual upgrading of one's skills to stay current.
Learning is a lifelong pursuit and can happen in multiple formats throughout one’s career. Northern Kentucky is purposefully increasing opportunities to learn on the job through apprenticeships, internships, co-ops, and similar experiences. In addition, it is critical that incumbent workers have ample avenues to “upskill“ through continued workplace education.
3. Community & Employer Work Supports:
Northern Kentucky has a wealth of organizations supporting businesses.
Employers may be eligible for a range of programs to support their training efforts, including tax credits, grants, and scholarships. Many community partners also offer a range of services to help employers build strong internal systems that lead to a workforce that thrives and retains for the long term.
The Work-Ready Adults team is led by:
Lauren Allhands
Director of Kentucky Career Center Operations
Kentucky Career Center (Chair)
Gina DeWard
Director of Adult Education
Gateway Community and Technical College (Co-Chair)
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